The gold standard for assessing proficiency and performance
ACTFL offers K12 assessment for grades 3-12 across hundreds of school districts in 47 states and the District of Columbia._ACTFL assessments can be used to obtain the Seal of Biliteracy.
高等教育星际网赌登录 may be used or recognized for academic placement, 学分, 老师许可, 项目星际网赌登录, 和更多的.
ACTFL为美国提供测试支持.S. 政府 and conducts testing according to the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale.
Quality Control and Quality Assurance measures are integrated into every step of ACTFL processes.
ACTFL Certified 测试人员s and Raters represent a critical resource to their academic institutions and to the world language profession.
Five ACTFL assessments are recommended for credit by the American Council on Education (ACE)
The purpose of this document is to describe the history of the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 当前的, official ACTFL tests and the circumstances under which official ACTFL ratings can be assigned to test taker performances.
The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is a web-based proficiency and performance assessment of K-12 standards-based language learning.
The ACTFL口语水平面试(OPI) is a valid and reliable means of assessing how well a person speaks a language. It is a 20-30 minute one-on-one interview between a certified ACTFL tester and a test taker..
作为计算机传送的, the OPIc assessment emulates the ‘live’ OPI, but delivery of prompts is through a carefully designed computer program, 通过虚拟化身.
在OPI & WPT for the SOBL is available in 24 less commonly taught languages, to increase access to the Seal of Biliteracy.
The ACTFL 英语水平测试(TEP) is an, English language proficiency assessment that brings together three of ACTFL’s internationally recognized assessments (L&Rcat™, OPIc™, WPT™) to provide a valid and reliable measure of language proficiency in listening, 阅读, 口语和写作.
The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is a web-based proficiency and performance assessment of K-12 standards-based language learning.
ALIRA有四个选项, 多项选择, 电脑化的 assessment that can be delivered in a single class period.
The ACTFL水平分级测试(APPT) is a non-proctored, 电脑化的, listening and 阅读 proficiency-based test in French and Spanish.
The 听力水平测试(LPT) measures how well a person understands the spoken language as described by the ACTFL or ILR rating scales.
The ACTFL Listening Proficiency and Reading computer adaptive test (L&Rcat) addresses the interpretive mode of communication, measuring how well the test taker can listen to and read English.
The 阅读能力测验(RPT) measures how well a person spontaneously understands written language
The ACTFL 英语水平测试(TEP) is an, English language proficiency assessment that brings together three of ACTFL’s internationally recognized assessments (L&Rcat™, OPIc™, WPT™) to provide a valid and reliable measure of language proficiency in listening, 阅读, 口语和写作.
The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is a web-based proficiency and performance assessment of K-12 standards-based language learning.
The ACTFL 英语水平测试(TEP) is an, English language proficiency assessment that brings together three of ACTFL’s internationally recognized assessments (L&Rcat™, OPIc™, WPT™) to provide a valid and reliable measure of language proficiency in listening, 阅读, 口语和写作.
The 写作能力 Test measures how will a person spontaneously writes in a language.
在OPI & WPT for the SOBL is available in 24 less commonly taught languages, to increase access to the Seal of Biliteracy.
Language Testing International (LTI) is the exclusive provider of ACTFL assessments. LTI scheduled conducts and reports over 700,000 ACTFL assessments each year.
“Collaborating with peers for ACTFL has connected me to other teachers in the field and helped Less Commonly Taught Languages to have representation in major discussions. 我邀请我的同事来做志愿者, promote awareness for the World Languages, 专业成长!”